Natural therapy, Budapest, IX. kerület 5 clinic (6 Naturopathic doctor, 6 Acupuncturist, 6 Homeopathic doctor, 6 Kinesiologist)
Description, questionsAcupuncture, Budapest, IX. kerület
As the reader may know, acupuncture is a cure for that special needles puncture healing of our bodies. These fine stabbing tools pierce the body so-called biologically active points of which extend along the field lines (meridians). The great impact of arthritis or nerve inflammation, in case of the thoracic, cervical muscle pain, liberation excellent use of alcohol, nicotine and drugs of addiction is.
Kinesiology, Budapest, IX. kerület
Kinesiology an alternate personality, skills and capacity building method. The purpose is to present and past relieve stress, specific corrective techniques. The treatment effectively influence energy flow in the body, providing reconstituted from our problems, and triggers self-healing mechanism of our body.
Bach Flower Therapy, Budapest, IX. kerület
Flowers of wild plants and trees compiled 38 kinds of Original Bach virágeszencia to help you live a positive emotional challenges of everyday life. Research on the links between mood disorders and immune system clearly show the relationship between emotions and physical health.
Ear And Testgyertyázás, Budapest, IX. kerület
The fülgyertyázást used to remove the wax and hay fever, headache, sinusitis, rhinitis, cold, flu, and treating tinnitus. There are allegations that the process sharpens the brain function, vision, hearing and sense of smell, taste and color perception.
Lifestyle Advice, Budapest, IX. kerület
The lifestyle personalized consultations, reflecting the potential risks, taking advantage of the options available to create the possibility of a harmonious, not forced, livable healthy life.
Foot Massage, Reflexology, Budapest, IX. kerület
Few people know, but the disease can be treated with a lot of foot massage. Because the nerve supply base is very rich, with more than 70,000 nerve endings. Therefore suited to deal with the whole body through it. Every body has a way of healing and exact location refelxológiában.
Acupressure Massage, Budapest, IX. kerület
Looking back thousands of years in Chinese medicine, acupuncture, acupressure and gentle version of the Asia began in the middle of the last century to conquer the world. This health care, methods of analgesia stimulates the meridian pressure points, thereby restoring the vital energy circulation.
Cupping, Budapest, IX. kerület
The bloodletting, one of the strongest way the reflex zones stimulation. In practice we Kopolya vacuum is drawn, this causes congestion suction effect in that area. As a result, they loosened the muscles and improves blood flow to the area. Positive changes can result in belszervekben the zone, improve their blood circulation, metabolism.
Ultrasound Therapy, Budapest, IX. kerület
An ultrasound uses painless, not side effects associated with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, relaxing, toning effect.
Bio-Resonance Therapy, Health, Budapest, IX. kerület
The bio-resonance therapy and allergen-sensitive system makes it possible reaktívanyag statement, no side effects and can be combined with any other therapy, and this procedure is completely painless.